Alright, so lemme tell ya about this Atlantic Furniture Nantucket Walnut Wood Mission Shaker End Table. Fancy name, right? But don’t let that scare ya off. It’s just a good ol’ end table made outta solid walnut wood,...
Oh, that Ashby Shaker dining table, let me tell ya, it’s a real gem for any home, truly somethin' worth havin' around the dining room. You see, folks love it 'cause it's built simple but sturdy, just like...
Oh, let me tell ya, if you're lookin' for a warm place filled with yarn and knittin' folks, Around the Table Yarns in Shaker Heights, Ohio, is somethin' special. Now, don’t think it’s just any yarn shop –...
Well now, let me tell ya, there’s a yarn shop over in Shaker Heights, Ohio, goes by the name Around the Table Yarns. Just sayin’ the name already makes ya feel cozy, don’t it? Picture this – shelves...
Oh, let me tell ya, if you’re lookin' to spruce up your home with somethin' real nice, that Arhaus Shaker table might just be what ya need. Now, this table ain’t like your regular ones; it's got a...
这个“architecture shake table”嘞,咱先说白了吧,它就是个模仿地震的小台子。把这个台子摇来晃去,就跟地震似的,能把地上的东西摇得东倒西歪。很多搞建筑的学问人嘞,用它来看看房子呀、桥呀这些个建筑到底结不结实,能不能撑住大震。这年头儿嘞,大工程啥的,没个shake table试试,谁敢拍胸脯说自己盖的东西牢固呢? 现在,这个shake table嘞,是不少大学和公司用来研究地震的宝贝。不光是学校里搞实验,连那些大建筑公司也爱用。很多高楼大厦,桥梁、甚至是大坝这些个庞然大物,建之前先拿模型放在shake table上试个震,看看有没有漏洞,毕竟谁也不想一震就倒嘞,是吧? 那为啥用shake table呢?说白了嘞,地震就是地底下的板块在折腾,shake table就学着地震那个劲儿,模拟出差不多的摇晃。这不,学问大的人就把模型往上放,看它咋个摇,摇完了还能不能站着。要是这个shake table一摇房子就散了,那就说明设计有毛病,得改。 有的学校专门搞这种研究,像那个希腊的National Technical University嘞,人家就有专门的地震台,震动频率啥的都能调。这玩意儿对学生特别好,他们在上面搞实验,就能明白房子到底该怎么盖才能抗震。咱说句实在话,现在房子越来越高,技术也越来越先进,这shake table可以让学生学着模拟真实地震,一边晃一边学,这学得可是实在的本事嘞! 那shake table都怎么用呢? 单轴的shake table:这种就比较简单,左右摇一摇,看看在这种简单晃动下模型能撑多久。 多轴shake table:这高级一些,能上下左右前后这么个折腾法,跟真实地震差不多。像有的地方有六轴的shake table,那震起来更真实。 实验室小型shake table:有些小桌子就像玩具似的,小一些的学校也用得上,能给学生们练练手,做一些小项目的研究。 举个例子嘞,Quanser这个公司搞的Shake Table II就是个单轴的,虽然没有多轴的震得复杂,但咱学生们用它练习结构震动嘞、震动隔离这些知识够用了。再说了,真地震也是这么晃来晃去,这样对抗震材料啥的,都能有个测试的效果。 有啥用呢? 这个shake table可是个宝贝,尤其是对设计高楼的人来说。现在不少地方都在搞高层建筑,一晃起来那可了不得。为了防止地震带来的损害,很多公司花不少钱设计抗震构造,可到底抗不抗震呢?放shake table上一震,啥问题都看出来了。像有的高楼设计好是设计好了,可摇起来没撑几下,这shake table能提前帮忙把问题找出来,不然真地震来了,事情可就大了。 现在不少地方也研究这个住房,别看小房子不起眼,但地震来了也得顶住嘞。这shake table对老百姓的安全也是个保护,咱的小楼房,摇一摇看看问题,砖头瓦块能不能抗得住震。这些年咱老百姓的房子盖得越来越高了,尤其像的小二楼嘞、小平房的楼顶加盖啥的,有了shake table提前测测抗震,也算给大伙儿一份安心吧。 总的来说嘞,这个shake table就是个好东西,不管是城市里的高楼还是的小平房,有它提前震一震,那人也放心些。 Tags:
Oh, now we're talking about this fancy thing called architect shake table. Sounds all big and important, don’t it? Well, lemme tell ya in simple words, it’s all about testing buildings so they don’t fall like a house...
Let me tell ya, when folks talk about this whole “shake the table” business, it ain’t about no fancy dinners or what kinda furniture ya got at home, no ma’am. This here’s somethin' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – folks call...
Oh, let me tell you about them antique Shaker writing tables, dear. These ain't just some ol' tables you plop down in any room – no, no. These here tables got history, ya know? Built by them Shakers,...
Alright, let’s talk about them antique shaker work tables, shall we? Now, these ain’t just any ol' tables, no sir. Shaker tables got themselves a reputation, an’ it’s well-earned. Folks back then, in the late 1700s, them Shakers...