Top-Rated Automatic Squid Jigging Machines for Commercial Use
Alright, let me tell ya all about these automatic squid jigging machines. Don’t be fooled, this ain’t some high-tech talk...
Alright, let me tell ya all about these automatic squid jigging machines. Don’t be fooled, this ain’t some high-tech talk...
Well, let me tell ya ’bout these automatic mackerel jigging machines. They’re somethin’ alright, makin’ it a lot easier for...
Well, let’s talk about this here AR jig for milling machine, alright? Now, you might be wondering, “What’s a jig...
Oh, so you’re thinkin’ about gettin’ an 80 lower machining jig? Well, let me tell ya, it’s not as fancy...
正文] Well, lemme tell ya, this thing called a Tobin Machines Jig is really somethin’ for them folks who work...
Alright, if you’re fixin’ to get into the tattoo business or just interested in making your own tattoo machines, well,...
Alright, listen up, folks. We’re talkin’ about how to use that tactical machining jig to get things set up just...
正文] Well, let me tell ya, when it comes to these fancy tactical machining jigs, they’re somethin’ special in the...
Hey, you ever heard of a squid jigging machine? Now, I know it might sound fancy, but it’s actually just...
今儿咱来说点有趣的东西,叫SIP jig boring machine,这玩意儿可厉害了。你问啥是jig boring machine?哎呀,就是个专门用来打孔、钻洞的机器,还特别精准。比咱这地里挖个土坑啥的要精细得多。这SIP牌子的机器,那可是瑞士造的,名声不小呢。你要是做工厂的活儿,这机器可就是个宝贝了,特别适合那些要做精密加工的厂子。 先给你说说这机器的大小嘞,这个SIP HYDROPTIC 6A型号,它的table size可不小呢,1100 x 840 mm,差不多就是两张小饭桌那么大吧,反正能放不少东西。它那X/Y/Z三轴的travels分别是1000mm、700mm和800mm,就是说这机器的活动范围很大,你想打哪就能打到哪,机器跑起来可稳当了。 你要问它能装多重东西?嘿,还真不少呢,它max load可达1000kg,比个小牛重多了!你要做个大件,也不怕压坏这桌子。可别看它能装那么重,它那drilling和milling干起来,那精度可是杠杠的,误差小得连个小米粒儿都看不出来。 这机器为啥这么厉害呢?其实人家SIP公司可是老牌子,专门做这种精密加工机器的。他们出的Hydroptic 6A型号,不光是打孔准,它那台面还能左右上下跑得特别精准,机器的programming system还能记录数据,方便你下次用呢。就像是做针线活,针眼儿对准了,下次再穿针就容易多了。 这机器呀,可不是随便一买就能用好的。你得会用它的Heidenhain控制系统,这系统就像个老师傅似的,教你一步一步怎么操作。你只要把东西摆好了,按几个按钮,它自己就能跑起来,不用你老盯着。可别小看了这jig boring...