Oh, you wanna know ‘bout powder mills, huh? Lemme tell ya, back in the old days, powder mills weren’t fancy like now. A powder mill was where they made gunpowder. What’s gunpowder, ya askin’? Well, it’s that black...
Now, let me tell ya, if you’re out there huntin’ for gold, well, you don’t need some big ol’ factory setup. Nope, what ya need is one of them small scale gold wash plants. Them things are built...
Ah, now, ya see, talkin’ ’bout this “amalgamation of gold” thing, it might sound all fancy-like, but truth be told, it’s just a way folks use ta get gold outta rocks. Now, in the olden days, they figured...
Gold, it ain’t just all the same, y’know. There’s all sorts of types if ya start lookin’ close. Now, I’m gonna go on ’bout these gold ores, like you’d see out in the rocks, sometimes buried real deep....
You ever wondered about them cone crusher parts? Them big ol’ machines you see, smashing rocks and stones into bits, well they got their own set of parts that keep ‘em running smooth like butter. Now, I might...
Oh, let me tell ya ‘bout this here thing they call the flotation machine. Now, I ain’t no scientist, but I can give ya the gist of it. This machine’s got itself a real fancy job to do,...
You know, this SAG milling business, it’s a bit like using a big ol’ grindstone. Instead of just grains, though, we’re talking big chunks of rock, ores, and sometimes even steel balls mixed right in to break down...
Ah, lemme tell ya, this thing called a gold sluice ain’t no fancy equipment, but folks been usin’ it since way back. If you think about huntin’ for gold, one o’ the first things folks will tell ya...
Well now, talkin’ about them magnetic minerals, let me tell ya, they’re quite the curious bunch. See, not every rock out there can just stick to a magnet. No, no, it’s gotta be special ones, like them rocks...
说到什么矿石有强磁性,有些矿石呀,天生就带这种奇特的磁性!这磁性不是每个石头都有的,只有一些特殊的矿石才会有,比如磁铁矿(Magnetite)和钛磁铁矿(Titanomagnetite)这种。 先说这磁铁矿吧,这可是最常见的强磁性矿石。磁铁矿里面的铁含量高,它一碰到铁呀,就像有股看不见的线,把铁给“拉”住一样。以前古人也是发现这种磁铁矿会吸铁片,才知道了有“磁力”这么个说法。这个磁铁矿不光吸铁,还会自己带磁性,被叫做磁石(Lodestone),所以磁铁矿可是能吸住其他小铁块的。 再一个呢,还有钛磁铁矿,这个也是带磁的,不过比磁铁矿要稍微差一些。 那除了磁铁矿和钛磁铁矿,黄铁矿(Pyrrhotite)也是一个稍微带点磁性的矿石。虽然磁性没那么强,但黄铁矿里头的金属元素让它能有点磁性。黄铁矿也常常跟磁铁矿一起找到,因为两者性质有点像,所以很多人会把它们搞混。 接着说赤铁矿(Hematite)。别看这赤铁矿看上去黑不溜秋的,它其实也是铁矿石的一种,不过磁性不如磁铁矿和钛磁铁矿那么强。不过呀,有时候经过加热或者是其他特别的处理后,这赤铁矿也能带点磁性。 然后就是钛铁矿(Ilmenite),它是一种带点钛的铁矿石。这钛铁矿也是可以有点磁性的,但这磁性比较弱,用肉眼很难发现。 三种金属呀——铁(Iron)、钴(Cobalt)和镍(Nickel),它们是自然界最带磁性的,这三个金属天生就是铁磁性(Ferromagnetic)的来源。凡是带这三种金属的矿石,或多或少都会带点磁性。所以呀,咱平时用的铁制品,甚至不锈钢啥的,有的也会有点磁力。 那这些带磁性的矿石是怎么用的呢?现在呀,这些强磁性矿石都是矿石分离的一种关键材料。矿业上经常用磁力分离法,先用磁铁把带磁性的矿石挑出来,这样就能把有价值的铁矿石、钛矿石啥的分出来,这法子简简单单,但可有效了。 总之呢,这强磁性矿石主要就有:磁铁矿、钛磁铁矿、黄铁矿、赤铁矿和钛铁矿,这几种矿石是咱们日常分离铁资源的好帮手。下回你要是去矿石展览,记得找找这几种矿石,看能不能吸住小铁片,那就对上号了! 这么说吧,要想知道啥矿石带磁性,那就瞅瞅有没有铁、钴、镍这几个元素,基本带它们的矿石呀,多多少少会有点磁性。磁铁矿和钛磁铁矿算是磁性最强的,有时候呀,碰到小铁钉还真能吸住,这就是天然的“磁石”。 Tags:[strong magnetic ores, magnetite, ilmenite, pyrrhotite, hematite, titanium