What’s a Small Hammer Mill, You Ask? Now, lemme tell ya, a small hammer mill ain’t somethin’ fancy like ya might think. It’s just a machine, see? A simple one. It takes big ol’ chunks of stuff—like grain,...
Eh, now let me tell ya a bit about this here thing called phosphorus rock, or some folks call it phosphate rock too. Don’t get fancy now, 'cause it’s just a kind of rock, but it’s real special-like,...
Now, let me tell ya somethin' about this thing called a belt conveyor feeder. Don’t let the fancy name fool ya. This is just a piece of equipment that helps move stuff, ya know, like rocks, sand, or...
Augite,这东西,说白了就是一种常见的矿石,这玩意儿主要成分是钙、钠、镁、铁、铝等等,这些化学成分凑在一块儿,搞成了个公式,公式叫(Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al,Ti)(Si,Al)2O6,听起来是很复杂是不是?不过呢,简单来说,它就是一种叫“辉石”里面的矿物。 这种Augite嘞,它的形状是单斜的,看着像棱柱子似的,棱角分明的。矿石里面的成分呢,也不是一成不变的,会有点变动,就跟人做饭菜还放点盐放点糖似的,它的成分会有一点浮动,所以颜色呀密度啥的也有差别。常见的颜色就是黑色、绿色,也有时候发点棕色啥的,总之色儿偏暗。质地硬不硬呢?也算是硬的那种。 那这矿石是从哪儿来的呢?主要嘞就是一些基性火成岩里面,比如玄武岩、辉长岩这些石头,都是地底下岩浆一冒出来冷却形成的,特别是在那些火山地区多。这些岩石里面就经常能找到Augite。 Augite的结构也挺有意思。它属于辉石家族,这个家族嘞,是一种链状的硅酸盐矿物。大家庭里头还有透辉石和钙辉石,都是一系列的成分,混合起来就是一大伙亲戚。所以说Augite算是它们的中间产物,成分上不偏不倚,这叫做固溶体。 讲到Augite的切面和断裂,这矿石,它有两个非常明显的解理面,就是你要使劲敲一下,它会顺着两个角度接近90度的平面裂开,这点很有意思。说白了就像咱们劈柴的时候,找准了劈的方向,它裂得特别顺溜。这两条解理面把它切成一个个棱块的形状,这解理,也算是矿物学里判断矿石的一种重要特征。 至于Augite的用途吧,平时生活中可能用不上,矿石嘛,主要还是地质学家研究它。这些地质学家嘞,通过研究这种矿石的成分、结构啥的,就能倒推出地底下那些岩浆冷却过程嘞,岩石成分变化啥的,对研究地球的结构特别有帮助。这矿物虽然看着普通,但地质学家可是当成宝一样研究呢。 有些人还问呢,Augite在别的地方有没有?这玩意儿也不算稀罕。除了那些玄武岩和辉长岩,超基性岩石里也有,就是成分里镁铁比较多的那种岩石。甚至有时候在陨石里也能找到它的踪迹,听着是不是有点稀奇? 另外呢,Augite在光学上的性质也挺有趣。它在显微镜下看起来很亮,表面有点油光,这叫做光泽。还有就是,它的光学特性有时候会让它看起来有点偏绿色或者褐色,真是个多变的小家伙。不过咱们普通人不太会研究这些啦,这些都是地质学家才操心的。 总之嘞,这Augite也算是矿物家族里头的一员,虽然是默默无闻地躺在大石头里头,但对咱们了解地球内部的构造可是功不可没。这种矿物虽然没啥商用价值,可是从地质学角度来说,研究它可是有意思得很哩! Tags:
Oh, let me tell ya somethin’ about this “coal washing” thing. Ya might be wonderin’, “What’s this all about?” Well, lemme break it down for ya as simple as can be. See, coal, the stuff that folks dig...
Now, look here, this magnetic drum separator thing might seem a bit fancy, but let me tell ya, it’s actually pretty simple! These machines, they got magnets in ‘em, and they’re used in factories and all to pull...
Now, ya see, when talkin' about them mineral quarry suction equipment, it’s all about diggin’ out them rocks an' minerals from the earth. A quarry, that’s like a big ol’ pit, bigger than any pond you’d see 'round...
Oh, so you wanna know ‘bout hammer mill machines, eh? Alright then, lemme tell ya all ‘bout ‘em. Now, a hammer mill machine, it’s somethin' that takes big ol’ chunks o’ stuff and smashes it up into smaller...
Now, let me tell ya about “a stirring.” Ain't no fancy word or nothin', but it means somethin’ that shakes folks up inside, makes ya feel all kinds of things, ya know? Like, when somethin' be so powerful,...
Let me tell you about them small trommel screens. This little thing might look simple, but it does a big job. A small trommel screen, what it does is use a big round barrel, called a drum, that...