Well, let me tell ya, this thing called coltan, it’s somethin' that’s mighty important to all them gadgets folks use nowadays. You know, them smartphones, tablets, and them fancy computers. Folks don’t really think much about it, but...
Well now, let me tell y’all somethin' 'bout how folks get gold outta the earth. Not like we diggin' potatoes here, no sir. This here’s about gold, shiny and precious, but oh, the trouble it brings along. So,...
Hey there! If you’re thinking of getting into gold prospecting, you’ve come to the right place. Now, I’m no fancy expert, but I’ll tell ya what – finding the right tools makes all the difference. You don’t want...
Now, look here, if you’re thinkin’ of melting gold at home or maybe even for a small business, well, you’re gonna need a gold melting machine, plain and simple. I’ll tell you all about it. This kind of...
You ever thought about lookin' for gold? Well, let me tell ya, it ain't too hard. You don’t need no fancy equipment or big machines, just a simple pan and a little bit of elbow grease. This thing...
Well, let me tell ya, getting alluvial gold in Black Desert Online (BDO) ain’t as fancy as some folks might think. Ya don’t need no big ol’ machines or special skills, nope! It’s just good ol’ fashioned filtering...
Now, let me tell ya about this here thing called monazite. Ain't no fancy gemstone, but it's somethin' that folks dig up, 'specially them folks lookin' for what's called rare-earth elements. See, monazite is a mineral, and it's...
Alright, now if you’re wonderin’ where ya can dig up some silver, lemme tell ya, there’s a few places you can take a shovel to and find yourself some good ol’ shiny metal. Silver ain’t just lyin’ around...
说起这不含铁的合金,那可真是五花八门、各有各的用处。一般人一听合金,可能就想到铁,可我告诉你,非铁合金可是比铁多得多,种类也广,不光是咱盖房的材料,工业上、生活中都用得上。 这些非铁合金呢,咋讲呢,就是没有铁成分的混合金属。比如咱常见的铝合金、铜合金,还有啥锌嘞、锡嘞、钛嘞啥的,统统归到这一类。简单来说,凡是没有铁的合金都叫非铁合金,用途特别多,不生锈、耐腐蚀、不怕水不怕风。 常见的非铁合金举例 铝合金:铝嘞,这东西说多多得很,土里就有,咱那坡上挖出来都有铝的成分。用它做成的铝合金又轻又结实,不生锈。日常生活中看到的锅碗瓢盆,有的就是铝合金。还有汽车、飞机啥的也离不开铝合金,它这玩意儿耐用! 铜合金:铜这东西不光是铜板铜线,做成合金那更有用,比如黄铜(铜加锌)和青铜(铜加锡),用处广泛。黄铜结实、耐磨,做个水龙头、门把手啥的可好用。青铜呢,古代人拿它铸造兵器,现在用它做船舶零件,啥水里泡着也不怕。 钛合金:钛这个东西可贵呢,钛合金轻便耐腐,质量顶呱呱。别说生活中,就是高科技领域它都吃得开,像啥航天飞船嘞,运动器材啥的,都是钛合金。咱人不大见到,但听说这东西又轻又强,飞机上都用它。 镍合金:镍呢,单看不算稀奇,但一旦和别的金属一混,耐高温、耐腐蚀,工业设备少不了它。汽油化工设备用的镍合金,不怕烧、不怕酸,咱常用的厨房用品里头也有镍合金成分,能用很久。 非铁合金的好处 你可别小看这非铁合金,耐腐蚀、轻便、强度大,日常生活里真是处处用得上。像咱用的铝锅,水龙头,还有一些高档的自行车和摩托车,里头都有它们的影子。非铁合金呢,它还不生锈,这在特别好用,下雨淋不怕,放着也不坏。再说了,这些合金轻嘞,搬起来不费劲,特别适合咱老百姓用。 不过呢,它们用在工业上更广泛。工业里的飞机、汽车,那些大型设备,用的非铁合金非常多。为啥?因为它们轻、不容易生锈,用起来耐用得很。这些非铁合金还能在各种环境下保持强度,不容易变形。 贵金属合金 说到这类合金,有些贵金属也算是非铁合金,比如金合金、银合金。虽然咱平时用不上,但首饰里头有的是,比如那些金项链、金戒指啥的。因为金银比铁贵多了,它们不生锈,耐用,用来做首饰那是再好不过了。 像这种贵金属,不光好看,用起来也舒坦,不用怕生锈啥的。不过呢,咱老百姓平时还是用铝合金、铜合金多些,这些贵金属虽然好,但贵嘛,工业用得少,更多是装饰用。 总结一下 所以嘞,这些非铁合金虽然种类多、名字花哨,但其实就在咱身边,农用生活里都有它们的影子。铝合金轻、铜合金耐用,钛合金高级耐腐蚀,真是啥都好。用得对地方,这些非铁合金能省力还耐用。以后咱要是再遇到啥铝锅、铜水龙头,不妨多想想,嘿,这就是非铁合金的好处呀! Tags:
Well, let me tell ya, them non-ferrous alloys are a bit different from the regular ol' ones we hear about all the time, 'cause they ain't got no iron in 'em. Now, iron, that’s the kinda metal we...