Eh, mine railway, ya might not think much ’bout it if ya don’t know mining, but lemme tell ya, it’s a mighty handy thing down there in the dark. Now, back in the 1500s, them folks in Germany,...
Alright, so let me tell you all about this thing called mica sand. It’s like this, you see – mica is a kind of rock, or better yet, a mineral, that you find here and there, mostly in...
Alright, now listen up – this thing called a shaking table, it ain’t your everyday kitchen table. Nope, this one’s all fancy, got gears and such, meant for serious stuff. It’s used in labs, factories, and sometimes places...
Now, folks, let’s talk about this thing called a SAG mill. You probably wonder, “What on earth is a SAG mill, and what does it do?” Well, it’s a kind of big, heavy machine that they use way...
Ah, let me tell ya ’bout these mining trains, not like your everyday trains, ya know. These trains are mighty big, carryin’ heavy stuff from them big ol’ mines. They ain’t carryin’ no passengers, nope. They’re just haulin’...
If ya wanna talk about gold prospectin’, lemme tell ya somethin’ ‘bout a tool called the gold sluice box. Now, some folks might not know what that is, but don’t worry, I’ll give ya the whole scoop, nice...
Ah, this Powder Mills—ya might not know right off what that is, right? Well, let me tell ya, there’s a couple different things folks could be talkin’ about when they say “powder mills.” Ya got parks, you got...
You know, people talk a lot about gold, like it’s something so magical. But when it comes down to it, folks don’t know exactly how much gold there even is in this big ol’ world. Now, let me...
咱们今天来唠唠这 powder grinder 吧。啥是这玩意儿呢?这玩意儿就是用来把各种材料给磨成粉的。咱有时候也需要这类机器,比如磨些谷子啥的。不过这玩意儿厉害得很,不光是磨粮食,还能把各种矿石啥的也都给磨得细细的。大伙想用啥原料做粉末,它都能给整明白。 这powder grinder 呢,一般分几种样儿,有的是手动的,有的是电动的。电动的方便,一插电就能用,效率快,出粉也细。就说那啥Cool Knight 牌的,容量大,速度快,咔咔几下就能把东西磨得跟面粉似的。适合家用的,特别磨咖啡、香料啥的,小机器一个,价钱不贵。还有啥Secura 嘞,Victoria 嘞,这些品牌在网上一搜一大把,样子也都差不多。 说起来,这些电动磨粉机嘞,好处就在于省劲儿。像有的家庭主妇们不想用手磨,尤其是要磨些香料、豆子啥的,用上这电动的,那是再合适不过了。不过也不是说这手动的就不好,有些老牌子的手动磨粉机,比如Victoria High-Hopper Grain Grinder,结实得很,用的是铸铁材料,磨起东西来一点儿不含糊。只不过手动的就是费点力,适合那些爱自己动手的小伙伴。 再说那更高级一点的粉磨机,那就是工业用的了。这种磨粉机嘞,叫pulverizer,能把矿石、煤炭、化工原料这些硬邦邦的东西都给磨成粉。这种机器大、马力强、转速高,咱一般家庭是用不上的。像矿厂、工地这些地方用得多,人家得大量生产呢。一般呢,工厂里用的磨粉机分两种,一种叫球磨机,一种是雷蒙磨。球磨机吧,里面有钢球,转起来把原料给砸成粉末;雷蒙磨呢,是靠磨环和磨辊,把原料给碾成粉末。 powder grinder 用途可广了,不光是啥矿石和粮食,像那些食品加工行业、药材加工、化妆品原料这些,也都少不了这粉磨机。家里要是常做点粉末香料嘞,或者给小宝宝磨点米粉啥的,买个小型的电动磨粉机,方便又省事儿。一般小型的也就几百块钱,价格还算亲民。 咱再来说说挑这磨粉机的小窍门。首先呢,要看容量。像咱要是家用的,买个小容量的就够了,200克左右的就行,像那啥 Cool Knight 那款就行;要是你家人口多,或者做生意用,就买个大容量的。再来就是材质,一般好的磨粉机都用不锈钢或者铸铁做的,这样磨出来的粉末比较干净,耐用度也高。还有就是机器的转速,转速越快,磨粉越细。 这些机器嘞,网上都能买,像那啥Amazon 上一搜一堆,好牌子多得很,啥Secura、Victoria 嘞,挑得眼花缭乱。不过要我说吧,家里平时用着,还是挑个中等价位的就行,耐用、好用最重要。那些五六百块的基本上就够用了,省事儿还不贵。 这powder grinder,就是个利器,能帮咱把各种硬邦邦的东西给整成粉。啥咖啡豆嘞,药材,香料,甚至干的粮食嘞,全都能用这磨粉机来加工。咱自己用着方便,尤其像人爱自己做东西的,这个磨粉机嘞真是少不了。想要用方便,电动的准没错;要是喜欢传统的味道,手动的也是不错的选择。 好了,咱今天就唠到这儿。这powder grinder,真的是个好东西,啥时候家里需要磨粉的工具,咱就买一台,不大不小,刚刚好。 Tags:
Alright, now let’s talk ‘bout iron, this ol’ thing you find deep in the ground, comin’ in a few different types. Ain’t like it’s all the same; there’s actually 4 main types of iron folk use, each with...