Eh, folks always talkin’ about “gold ore,” but what’s all this fussin’ about? Now, gold ore is just them rocks what got gold bits in ’em. When folks go searchin’ for it, well, they wanna see them sparkly,...
Eh, well, talkin’ about this gold sulfide ore, lemme tell ya, it’s somethin’ a bit complicated but real interesting, like somethin’ outta them big science books. Now, this gold sulfide ore ain’t like the regular shiny gold folks...
Oh, you’re looking for pics of gold ore, huh? Well, let me tell ya, gold ore ain’t hard to spot once ya know what you’re lookin’ at. Them shiny yellow flecks, they really do catch the eye, but...
说起这矿用的小火车嘞,您可别小瞧了这“mining locomotive”,它可是矿里头的“脚力”。这玩意儿,咱平常人是不太能看见的,它,专门在矿井里边或者矿区跑动,拖运矿石嘞、煤炭嘞这些重物,比人力可顶多了。 您别看它小,这矿用小火车还分好几种呢,主要是依着动力来源和它跑的地方来划分。有的矿用火车靠电力驱动,像那种有电线的矿井,直接在头顶拉根电线,电一通,小火车就能呼呼地跑了。要是没电呢?那也有柴油小火车,专门解决没有电的矿区,这柴油一烧,火车也能拉起不少货。 有时候吧,有的矿区电也有,可不能总靠头顶电线呀。那咋办呢?这时候矿上就能派出电池矿用火车,充好电能跑一阵子,不用担心电线断掉。电池火车的优点就是能到处跑,灵活方便。 这矿用小火车嘞,宽窄都不一样,多数跑的都是窄轨道。为啥要窄轨?主要就是矿井里地方紧凑,窄轨道省地儿,还方便拐弯。咱普通的火车宽轨道多,跑不进去矿井,可这窄轨火车就能灵活钻进钻出,把矿石运出来。 不过呢,不光有地下矿井用的,这地面矿区也有专门的小火车。有些大型矿区用的火车可重了,一车头能有90吨,那是专门给地面用的重型火车。这类火车一发动,光拉力就够惊人,矿石一车一车地往外拉,比卡车顶用多了。 有的矿上嘞,电力啥的都不太稳定,那有一种燃料电池火车,特别先进。这玩意儿2002年在一个金矿里试过,环保又省劲儿,一样能拉动重货。说起这个燃料电池,咱人用得少,可矿上人爱它,因为它不烧柴油、不费电。 这矿用火车看起来不起眼,但,矿上人都知道,这可是矿区里的宝贝。它耐操,维护方便,小零件不多。咱们家里拖拉机坏了修起来都麻烦,可这矿用火车换个零件不算啥,操作也简单,不用大知识。 小火车的用途也不光是拉矿石,这矿井里头嘞,工人上下班也得靠它,有时候直接载着人进进出出,省得走路呢。 总结来说,这矿用小火车嘞,不管是电动的,柴油的,还是燃料电池的,都各有各的用途。电力的方便、柴油的灵活、燃料电池的环保,每一种都能在矿区发挥独特的作用。 这小火车嘞,小小的身材,拉着重重的矿石,默默地跑在矿井的轨道上。它的脚步可不慢,就像咱农人用的耕地犁地的牛,虽然普通,却顶用得很嘞! Tags:
Eh, if you’re lookin’ to buy a gold shaker table for sale, you’ve come to the right place. Now, I ain’t no expert, but I know a thing or two ’bout these tables. See, these tables are used...
Oh, dearie, let me tell ya somethin’ ‘bout these fe ores. It’s like diggin’ up little treasures from deep down in the earth, y’know? This Fe, or iron as the fancy folks call it, is one of the...
Now, lemme tell ya somethin’ ‘bout them Bayrite pumps. These things, they come with what folks call a warranty. That means if somethin’ don’t work right, well, you ain’t left holdin’ the bag. Now, the Bayrite company, they...
Looking to buy a mini gold shaker table? Well, let me tell ya, you’ve come to the right place. Nowadays, there’s all sorts of folks huntin’ for gold, and sometimes, you just need a little table, not some...
Ah, let me tell ya ’bout this trommel machine thing. Now, ya see, this ain’t no fancy machine, but it sure does a mighty fine job if ya ask me! Folks call it a trommel screen or a...