Ah, so y’all wanna know ‘bout gold prospectin’? Well, lemme tell ya, lookin’ for gold ain’t no easy thing, but folks been doin’ it for ages, you know? Folks call it “gold prospectin’,” meanin’ the search for gold....
Well, today let’s talk about this rock called gabbro. Now, maybe it’s not something you see every day, but in geology circles, they seem to talk about it quite a bit, mainly because of its chemical composition. It’s...
Kaolinite嘞,这个土叫人说了算是比较平常,但它用处可不少嘞!这土矿颜色淡淡的,有点白带黄,不怎么亮,摸着也滑溜溜的,像是个好面粉。可要说它的光泽——这 kaolinite 还真是没什么亮光,看上去就是平平无奇的样子。 啥叫光泽嘞?光泽,就是看这土块儿它表面反不反光。像金子那样,亮得刺眼,可 kaolinite 可不带这种劲儿。它就“朴素”得很,这光散得像布面一样,光滑但不反光,看着没啥高贵感。 成分是啥呢?这 kaolinite 是个啥组成呢?科学家说这土是 Al2Si2O5(OH)4,里面有铝、硅、氧和氢。这些啥咱就别深究了,反正都是矿里的东西。这 kaolinite 是层叠着一层一层的,像千层饼似的,这层叠得也很齐,摸着有点滑。 颜色白白的,嘿,好看!这土看着真挺朴素的,白白净净的,倒是有点像新淘好的米。要不然就是淡淡的黄,颜色可不深。这样说来,用在陶瓷上正好,做出来的瓷器颜色可亮呢。 用途是啥?这 kaolinite 用处真不小,别看不起它。拿它做瓷器,可真是上好的材料。拿去做砖嘞、瓦嘞,也都是靠得住的,烧出来的东西结实耐用,还看着美。 kaolinite 的独特光泽 kaolinite 的光泽不亮,是那种“哑光”的感觉,摸着细滑,但看着不刺眼。 它没啥耀眼的反光,光是散的,适合用在要低调不张扬的地方。 它还有一个特点就是硬度不算高,但很稳定。 这土在大自然里哪儿都有,不过最有名的就那几个地方出产,比如在中国、美国、巴西都能挖到。烧砖的工厂那都有这土矿,运来就直接用,也不用怎么加工。 这个土还环保呢!这 kaolinite 是天然矿,烧出来的砖瓦不用再加工,拿来就能建房子,还没有污染。做瓷器也是一样,做出来的东西都环保,喜欢干净的可喜欢这 kaolinite 了。 总结来说,这 kaolinite 就是那么个不出风头的材料,看着不起眼,但在陶瓷嘞,砖瓦这方面可是老本行。像做瓷砖、杯盘碗碟用它,瓷的亮白色好看又结实。虽说不是什么大贵的东西,但这 kaolinite 结实、稳定,朴实又有用,真是老百姓的好帮手嘞! Tags:kaolinite, luster, kaolin, ceramic, clay...
Eh, now, you might be thinkin’ gold’s the most precious thing out there, ain’t ya? But let me tell ya, gold’s got some competition, alright. Let’s talk about the most valuable metal there is—nope, it ain’t gold, silver,...
Hey, talking about them coal washeries, huh? Well, lemme tell ya, them places is where they clean up all that coal to make it good and ready for burning. Ain’t no use in hauling coal full of dirt...
Gold dredging, huh? That’s when they use big ol’ machines to dig up dirt from riverbeds and streams, hopin’ to pull out some gold from all that mud and sand. Back in the days, folks started usin’ gold...
You know, looking for gold ain’t no fancy job. It’s not all about big machines or deep underground tunnels. No, sir! Out here, we’re talkin’ about sifting, just plain ol’ sifting for gold with your hands, a pan,...
Rock crushing equipment, oh, it’s the kind of big machines that folks use to break down rocks, big ol’ stones and boulders, just turnin’ ‘em into smaller chunks. If you ever seen them giant rocks sittin’ by a...
Rock crushing equipment, well, let me tell ya, it’s all about machines that can smash up them big rocks into tiny bits. Folks who work in places like construction and mining, they got to have this stuff –...
Ah, well, let me tell ya about them metals that cost a fortune! Some of these metals, they’re rarer than hen’s teeth, and my, oh my, they sure do cost an arm and a leg. But folks pay...