Eh, lemme tell ya ‘bout them wash plants. Now, ya might be wonderin’ what the heck it is, right? Well, it’s one of them big ol’ machines that cleans up all them dirt and stuff from what folks...
Hey, lemme tell ya about somethin’ called gold wash. Now, you mighta heard of it, but maybe not, so let me explain it real simple. Gold wash, it’s like when you take somethin’—usually it’s some kinda silver, could...
You see, this here gold wash plant is somethin’ real handy if you’re diggin’ for gold, specially out in them alluvial places. Now, what it does is, it takes all that dirt and rocks, and it washes ‘em...
You know what, a gold trommel, it’s this big ol’ thing that spins round and round, helps you sift through a whole bunch of dirt fast. Folks use it to find gold. It’s got this tube inside that...
Well, when it comes to lookin’ for used gold mining equipment, let me tell ya, there’s plenty of choices out there. Back in the days, folks just needed a pickaxe and a shovel, but now, oh boy, it’s...
Hey, folks! Let me tell you a thing or two about this river gold mining equipment. You know, back in the day, people would just go down to the river with a pan and try their luck. But...
说起这挖金矿,咱得聊聊内华达州的事儿。这地方,打从1859年开始,就被人说成是个金银宝地。啥时候去,那矿都不少。现在也一样,哎,听说这里头挖的金子,跟过去也没啥大不同,还是地球上数一数二的金银矿产地。 我跟你讲嘞,内华达州有几个地儿可出名了,像是Elko、Ely、Winnemucca还有Lovelock这些地方。你要是有机会夏天去嘞,还能跟着他们的游览团看看那些金矿啥的。 要买矿的,看这儿吧! 在内华达州嘞,有不少矿场正在卖呢,不光有金矿,还有银矿、铜矿、甚至是宝石啥的。 你想要买个地儿挖点金子不?可以去找矿业公司嘞,或者网站上瞧瞧,总能找到适合的。 那些地方你知道吧?像是DealStream网站,还有好多呢,上面都有卖的矿,挑好了就能买。 话说回来,现在有个内华达金矿公司,里面两个大公司合伙呢。一个叫Barrick Gold Corporation,占了61.5%,另外一个是Newmont Goldcorp Corporation,占了38.5%。这两家伙人多厉害嘞,把那里的金矿全给包圆了。 再说,你要是想买矿,内华达州这地方还真是个好选择。不光有金矿,还有些老矿,新矿都有。不少矿主都想把矿卖出去,省得自己挖费劲。你瞅瞅,有的矿带有设备、有的没设备,价格啥的都不一样,买啥样的得看你自己需要啥了。 矿区都在哪些地方呢? 有的矿在靠近Elko那边,听说矿石还不错,容易挖出来。 Winnemucca这地方也有不少矿嘞,周围环境挺好,想来个小投资的可以考虑。 再往西边走,Lovelock这地方,银矿多,也有金矿,挺适合那种挖金又想试试别的矿的人。 要是你有心买矿嘞,可得留神了。买矿不是说买了就完事儿,得看看矿权、土地证啥的都全不全。还有,这矿得有足够的矿石,不然买回来没得挖可就亏大了。再就是得留神这矿周围的地形,要是太偏太难进,那挖起来也费事儿。 现在不少地方都有卖矿的,啥阿拉斯加、亚利桑那、加州、爱达荷、俄勒冈啥的,但我觉得嘞,内华达州的矿最划算。不光资源多,还能自己去看看,开着车子绕一圈,瞅瞅这地方咋样,是不是适合你。最关键是啥?便宜!买得值! 最后呢,我得说,你要是想着自己弄个矿挖金子,还得动动脑子,得琢磨琢磨值不值得。矿场位置好不好,挖出来的矿石质量咋样,这些都得考察清楚。反正,内华达州这地方,矿多,机会也多,合适了你就去试试呗。 Tags:
You know, when it comes to finding gold, people always think it’s hidden in some secret place, like them old stories of leprechauns and their pots of gold. But, in this world, there’s another way to find them...
Well, let me tell ya, when it comes to mining, there’s money to be made. Folks with some extra cash, they’re always lookin’ for places to put it, and mining seems like a good spot. Mining investors, well,...
You know, back in the old days, folks didn’t talk much about finding gold in Massachusetts. They always think gold is something you go all the way to California or Alaska to dig up. But let me tell...