Now let me tell ya somethin’ ‘bout placer gold, for them folks who don’t know. You see, placer gold, it ain’t like the gold that’s stuck in big ol’ rocks. Nope, it’s the kinda gold that’s got loose...
You know, this thing they call SAG milling ain’t no small potato when it comes to mining. It’s like the backbone of the grinding work, grinding all that big ol’ ore down to size so it can be...
Now, let me tell ya somethin’ about these minerals, ‘specially the ones that stick to magnets. You heard of magnets, right? Those things that pull certain metals close? Well, there’s a mineral that’s real good at stickin’ to...
Ah, let me tell ya, when it comes to diamonds, folks only think of shiny rings and big stones, but hardly anyone knows about the huge diamond mines hidden in some of the world’s remotest places. These mines...
Ah, this thing here they call mercury amalgamation of gold, well, it’s somethin’ people been usin’ for years to get the gold outta rocks and dirt. Ya see, back in the day, especially for them small-time miners, they...
Gold,咱说这玩意儿,那真是老稀罕的了!这东西从地底下挖出来,可不是谁家都能做的活儿嘞!咱听说呀,要从矿石里头把金子给提溜出来,还得用上一堆讲究法子!这行话儿叫“extraction of gold”,可不是说随随便便用个铁锹就能挖的嘞,得有套专门的办法。 一、啥叫金子的“extraction”呢? 挖金子,这可不是说拿个篮子挖地瓜那样随便弄弄就成。金子,它躲矿石里头呢,要把它“extraction”出来,真是费老劲了!一般呢,咱听说得用上一些化学办法,把金子从这些矿石里给分出来。这么弄的好处,就是能多提点儿,不浪费。你说地底下这些金矿石,不容易挖上来,要是浪费了那真是心疼得不行。 二、金子挖出来多不多? 可别小看这个活儿,人家每年挖出来的金子可多呢。大概有个3600吨哩!还有人说,不光是从矿石里挖,咱还能从那些旧的金饰呀、金器啥的回收点儿金子,这一回收也能有个300吨哩!不过这数量嘛,咱就听个热闹,反正金子是越多越好,大家都喜欢。 三、用啥法子从矿石里提金呢? 说起这个法子,那是有讲究的。高品位的矿石(就是那些含金量高的矿石,什么20克嘞,甚至更高一吨矿石里有的能有几十克金子)一般就用“浸出法”。具体呢,弄成一种浆糊似的,把矿石磨得细细的,倒在大缸里头,然后加上化学溶剂(好像叫氰化物啥的),搅嘞搅,过个几个小时,金子就从矿石里出来了。 至于那些低品位的矿石,含金量少的,这就麻烦了,费劲些。要把矿石都打得更碎,耗时间还费力气,反正技术复杂些,但好歹也能提点儿出来。人家说,有时候还用上个叫“活性炭”的东西来吸附金子,把这点金粉儿一捞,嘿,又是一笔钱。 四、现在用上啥新技术没? 可不嘛,科技日新月异。现在提金还用上了个叫“还原石墨烯”的新技术。这种玩意儿就是高科技,说是用上它,提金速度能快些。这玩意儿能吸住金离子,然后金离子就能转成金子,别看这石墨烯黑不溜秋的,拿来提金子倒挺灵呢!人家专业人称这个是“还原石墨烯氧化区域”,说法挺绕的,咱记住它能提金就成了。 五、挖矿这行当啥时候能停嘞? 那就是个未知数了,人家说矿开采有生命周期的,也就是说,金矿活儿有个年限,到时候不产金了,那也就完事儿了。不过现在开矿的公司可不少,干一阵子有产量呢,等到矿脉挖空了,那就歇菜了。 这“extraction of gold”嘞,不仅是个技术活儿,还是个体力活儿,时间久了就更累人。人家还说咱这地球里的金子要挖没了咋办嘞?咱也不知道,不过听说科学家还琢磨上从那些废旧物品里头回收,这就不用光靠矿山了。未来有啥新技术,咱就看着吧。 到头来,咱也不懂啥高深技术,反正知道挖金子不容易,提出来的每一克金子都值钱。 Tags:
Oh, my dear, let me tell ya ’bout this gold washing machine business. You might think it’s just like yer regular washing machine, huh? But let me tell ya, it’s a whole different game. Now, this machine here...
Hey there, folks! Let me tell ya a bit about this mineral called baryte (or sometimes people say “barite” too). Now, baryte is a real special rock, made mostly of somethin’ called barium sulfate. This fella can look...
Well, lemme tell ya ‘bout somethin’ fancy they call a toy gold wash plant. Now, don’t let that “toy” word fool ya – this little machine ain’t no child’s play. See, it’s a small gold washing machine that...
Now, this grinding mill, ya know, it’s just somethin’ mighty useful for breakin’ up big ol’ chunks of stuff into smaller bits. Back in the day, folks didn’t have all these fancy machines, so they used water or...