Now, lemme tell ya somethin’ simple about chert, alright? First thing’s first, is chert a mineral or a rock? Well, plain and simple, chert ain’t no mineral—it’s a rock, and a pretty tough one at that. Folks might...
Alright, folks, let’s chat about where gold comes from. Now, gold, that shiny stuff everybody loves, didn’t just show up outta nowhere. Turns out, it’s got a pretty big, fancy story behind it. You might think, “Oh, they...
You know, when talking about dense materials, there’s one that really stands out. It’s not the usual stuff you’d think of like iron or lead, which are heavy but don’t come close to the true heavyweight. The densest...
Looking to buy some gold mining equipment, huh? Well, let me tell ya, gold mining ain’t no small job, and you gotta have the right tools. Now, there’s a whole lot of stuff you might need, so let’s...
When it comes to getting gold mining equipment, you gotta think smart and not rush in like a chicken with its head cut off. Now, I know some of you might wonder, “What do I even need?” Well,...
Hey, let me tell ya somethin’ about this here thing called biotite. You might not have heard of it, but it’s just a mineral you find in rocks, kind of like a shiny, dark flake. Real soft-like, if...
说到这金子嘞,嘿,您知道吧,这东西可不简单。不是说地上一抓一大把的,它可都是老早老早时候就形成的。那咱今天来聊聊这金子嘞,到底是咋形成的,这在大自然中嘞,经过了多少道折腾才能变成那一粒一粒的金黄东西。 天上来的金子——咋回事呢? 要说金子,那还真不是从地底下就这么无缘无故冒出来的,它可是从天上来的!早在那大爆炸的时候,星星嘞、啥啥的就炸开了,里头的一些特殊反应就产生了金子。那时候产生的不是个小数儿嘞,但您想想,那是多老的事儿了,那些金子就在星星碎片里到处飘呀飘。等到咱们地球形成的时候,这些飘来的金子也就随着地球一起扎根儿了。 地球里头的“烫手”过程 咱们说,光有金子种子可不行,它还得在地球里头被加热煮沸一通才能真出来呢!这咋回事儿?是这么的,地球里面可热闹了,有那岩浆不停地流动、翻腾,这就把金子成分从深处往上带。等岩浆慢慢冷了,金子就被“卡”在石头缝里头了。这过程,叫做“热水成矿作用”,专门儿形成金矿脉。热水带着金子跑进裂缝,等冷下来,这金子就乖乖留下来了。 金子在河流里头捞得着么? 要说您没事儿在河边遛达,指不定真能发现些小金片呢!早些年,咱们人就是在河里头找到金子的。这些金子原来是在石头缝里,结果石头风化了,金子就被冲到河里,漂呀漂,有时候也会在沙子里头积下来。可别小瞧这些沙金,积少成多,也是能淘出些值钱的家伙呢。 火山喷发对金子的影响 那有的金矿还和火山喷发有关呢。火山一喷发,哇,好多热水和气体就上来了,带着金子跑到地表附近。这些喷发带来的矿液也会在地下形成金矿。所以,很多金矿都在那些有火山活动的地方找到。 再说说地壳运动 别看地壳厚,它也是会动的呀。地壳动的时候,这些带着金子的矿液会被挤到表面,这么的,咱们就能看到些金矿。要不然这金子一直埋那么深,谁也找不着呀! 金子是咋形成的呢? 金子最早来自那天上的大爆炸,星星爆了就飘过来了。 地球里的岩浆翻腾,把金子成分带上来,留在石头缝里。 河流里头也能淘到金子,那是被冲刷出来的。 火山喷发嘞,也会带出些金子来。 地壳一动,金子也跟着往表层走。 这回您大概明白了吧?这金子,真不是说随便哪儿就能找得到的,那可都是老祖宗们留在地里的宝贝。咱们能看着金灿灿的金子,那是经历了多少年才成的。这金子,真叫个稀罕物,值钱呢! Tags:
You know, some folks hear about finding gold in quartz and get all excited, thinking they’ll be rich in no time. But let me tell ya, it ain’t as simple as just breaking a rock and finding a...
Eh, let me tell ya somethin’ simple about this gabbro stuff, alright? Now, gabbro, it’s just a kinda rock, and it comes from way down under the Earth. Y’see, it don’t happen like them rocks you find on...
Now, let me tell ya, zinc is indeed a non-ferrous metal. Yep, it don’t have no iron in it, that’s what makes it non-ferrous. Ferrous metals got iron in ‘em, like steel or cast iron. Those ones, they’ll...