Well, let me tell you, silica sand is just a handy thing for them plants. If you got a garden, you might want to mix some of this sand in your soil. It helps the water run through...
Well now, let me tell you about this here silica sand for plants, eh? You know, back in the day, we didn’t have all this fancy stuff folks are talkin’ about now. But I’ve seen how some of...
Oh, ya see, this crushing test machine, it’s a big ol' hunk of metal they use to test if things are strong enough, ya know? They call it a "CTM" sometimes, short for "Crushing Test Machine." Ain’t no...
Well now, if you’re wonderin’ where beryllium is found, lemme tell ya, it’s like diggin’ around for buried treasure, but a lot trickier! Beryllium, you see, hides out mostly in rocks and minerals. It ain’t just sittin' around...
Well, let’s talk about biotite, that’s what we’re here for, right? Now, biotite, you see, it’s just one of those minerals you’ll find in rocks, all around, especially in all kinds of stones folk like to call "intrusive...
```html Oh, let me tell ya, folks. These days, them small rock crushers sure make life easier if you're looking to break down some rocks, pebbles, or them big chunks of stone you find here and there. Now,...
Alright, you’re lookin’ for small rock crushers, huh? Now, let me tell ya, these little crushers can be real handy if you got a heap of rocks or gravel lyin' around and need to break it down. They...
Wolframite,这矿石,算是大自然里头的宝贝疙瘩了。这玩意儿呢,主要成分是铁、锰和钨,化学公式是(Fe, Mn)WO4。这个矿呢,不光是含铁多的ferberite和含锰多的huebernite的中间形态,它还是咱们找钨这金属最主要的矿源,重要得很嘞! 咋一看呢,这矿石黑乎乎的,颜色深,还特别重。一看见它就知道,这个矿石里头含钨,不是一般的矿。钨可是个好东西,用处多得很!钨的熔点高得吓人,特别硬,烧也烧不化。钨,用在电灯泡的丝里头,还做那些打不穿的军用物件,啥子机器零件也用钨的成分。所以呢,咱这wolframite矿石,那可是宝贝疙瘩。 Wolframite这矿石呢,长得其实也有点儿特点,它大多都是那种棱形或平板状的,表面还一条条纹路,看着很特别。它的颜色呢,有时候带点红,带点黄,但大多数情况下是黑不溜秋的,这也是它的标志之一。这矿石比较重,拿在手里头有分量,跟别的矿石不一样。人家拿起来一掂就知道,嘿,这里头是钨矿石! 要说这矿石在哪儿找得到呢,wolframite嘞,常跟锡矿混在一块儿,尤其是在花岗岩那地方。像啥地方呢?这英国的康沃尔、还有西班牙的西北部、葡萄牙的北边、东德,甚至缅甸、马来半岛和澳大利亚这些地方嘞,都能找到wolframite。这矿呢,一般都是在那些温度高的石英脉里头或者大颗粒岩里头生长,找到它不容易,它可不是随随便便就能见着的。 这矿石还有个讲究的名字,叫“wolframite”。说起来有意思,这名字“wolfram”其实是从德语来的,意思差不多是“狼的泡沫”,这说法有点奇怪对吧?传说那时候的人们炼钨的时候,这矿石里头有杂质,熔炉里头起泡泡,像狼泡沫似的,慢慢的就叫“wolfram”了。 Wolframite矿石的好处呢,除了提炼钨之外,真是别无它求。钨从这矿里头提出来,咱生活里头好多地方都靠它。不说别的,光是那硬得像钢的钨钢机器,哪一个工厂不需要?还有啥子电线嘞、军用物件,钨都派得上大用场。这矿石里的钨,硬是有用得很嘞! 总结一下,这wolframite矿石就是钨的宝贝来源,产地也有讲究。颜色深、重,还常常跟锡矿混在一起,长得特别又有分量。下次看到这种黑黑的矿石,可别小瞧了,说不定这就是那个“wolframite”,背后可是藏着“钨”的秘密呢! Tags:
```html Now, let me tell ya, this thing called chrome mineral, it ain't as fancy as some might think, but it's got its uses, lemme say that. First off, let’s get it clear — chrome and chromium, they...
```html Well, now let me tell you a bit about that quartz and sand, huh. You see, these things ain't just any ol' rocks sittin' by the river or layin' out in the yard. Nope, they got their...