Worlds Largest Shake Table Testing at NHERI for Earthquake Engineering Research
Hey, y’all ever heard ‘bout this thing called the NHERI shake table? Now don’t be fooled, it ain’t no table...
Hey, y’all ever heard ‘bout this thing called the NHERI shake table? Now don’t be fooled, it ain’t no table...
Now, let me tell ya about this thing called a multi axis shaker table. Might sound like some fancy machine,...
Howdy folks, today we gonna talk ’bout somethin’ called mts shake table. Now, don’t get scared by the fancy name,...
今天来说说impact crushers,这玩意儿,说白了,就是把大块石头、混凝土啥的打成小块用的机器。你说它干啥用的?可不就是干这砸碎、打小的活儿嘛!这种机器吧,最合适那些搞建筑嘞、铺路嘞这种工程里用,要是用来搞碎石子嘞、沙子嘞,那是最合适不过的。 Impact crushers工作时就跟咱用锤子砸东西一个理儿——砰一下子,把大块的石头直接打成小块。和那jaw crusher(颚式破碎机)不同,颚式那玩意儿是用两个大铁板把东西挤扁、压碎。而这impact crusher呢,它是靠冲击力,一砸一砸地把东西给打碎。 要说这impact crusher吧,主要是处理些不太硬的东西,比如石灰石、混凝土啥的。要是换成硬得很的石头,可能还不行,这impact crusher顶不住,容易坏。它的原理呢,就是有一转盘,带着锤子或板锤,转起来以后猛地砸上去,把那些石块、混凝土块啥的打得粉碎。 那impact crushers主要有几种类型: 水平轴冲击破碎机 (Horizontal Shaft Impact Crusher):这机器有点像一大轮子带着板锤在那儿转,靠水平轴在那砸东西。适合那种不太硬的石头和一些建筑废料,常用在处理再生骨料。 垂直轴冲击破碎机 (Vertical Shaft Impact...
Now, when it comes to iron ores, ya got different types, you see. Iron, it’s been used for so many...
Oh, let me tell ya, this MSI Shaker Table, it’s something folks interested in gold recovery sure talk about a...
Hey, now, let me tell ya somethin’ about this MSI Gold Shaker Table price. These tables, they’re good for folks...
Now, folks, if you’re out lookin’ for a good gold shaker table, lemme tell ya, the MSI Gold Shaker Table...
Well, if ya ever got into workin’ with feldspar, ya know grindin’ it ain’t as simple as shovin’ it into...
Alright, so you got yourself interested in the MSI Gold Shaker Table, huh? Well, let me tell you, this here...